Leadership, Networking & Development


The mission of the Theos Leadership Network is to encourage the church and Christian groups actively engage with communities, proclaim the Gospel and develop core principles based on the biblical perspective of Luke 4:18-19. We seek to practice transformational development by fostering holistic change in society.


Theos Leadership Network aims to create resources, design programs, establish transformational goals. Our holistic approach focuses on mission-driven community participation for long- term sustainability.

What We Do ?


To cultivate a shared vision and provide resources for understanding community development for disadvantage groups such as the poor, tribal communities and the refugees. The Theos Leadership Network collaborates with churches to design transformational programs that serve the wider community.


To support and equip churches with a Christian understanding of transformational development. Additionally, we seek partnerships with Christian NGOs’ in Malaysia and around the globe to advance God’s mission – missio dei

Community Development

To actively participate in integral mission efforts that support minority communities in Malaysia, India and Sri Lanka. Our vision is to foster positive change in all aspects of human life – materially, socially, psychologically and spiritually.